Zoe’s Birth Story – Part 1

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while and I realize it is coming nearly 5 months late however, I would like to have a recount of my thoughts and feelings to share with Zoe someday.

We spent our last Saturday as a couple sans baby celebrating the union of one of my college roommates. Congrats Megs and Brent!! We boogied on the dance floor, made silly faces in the photo booth and I ate both kinds of the cupcakes. But we didn’t stop there, after the wedding fun start to wind down, we head to a with my college roommate Ashley and husband. It was the perfect last night as a couple.

With all of my college roommates in town for the weekend, I wanted to spend as much time with all of them as possible and made plans to meet Heather and her fiance Tom at the Union for an ice cream/coffee date on Sunday (June 4th) afternoon.

June 4th happened to be a rather warm and I was feeling brave, so I set out to the pool to visit EJ and take a dip to cool off. I remember mentioning to EJ that I was feeling a little different but that it was probably just my body naturally getting ready.

I’ll back up for a second to let you know that my official due date was June 7th, however I wanted to hold the baby in until atleast June 9th and then I wanted it out. That was EJ’s last year of the school year and logistically it would have made our life alot easier if the baby was born after June 9th. Not to mention that one of my client’s campaigns was launching on June 6th and I wanted desperately to be able to launch all of my tactics myself.

Okay back to June 5th. After the pool, I showered and got on my way to meet Heather. As I parking the car (getting out of the car) I felt fluid, but I honestly thought that I might have peed my pants. Don’t judge until you’ve been 10 months pregnant, anything is possible at that point in pregnancy. It was one of those moments in life when you have a fairly in-depth conversation with yourself. I’m was telling myself that it couldn’t be my water breaking bc only 30% of women’s water actually break to start labor. It couldn’t be my water breaking bc I had work tomorrow……bc it would feel more like a gush of water (sorry dudes)…..lots of talking myself out of what I sort of already knew at this point.

A quick trip to the bathroom confirmed what I had been hoping was just nothing…..not nothing. This was it…..labor was imminent, however EJ was in the middle of a soccer field without his cell phone.